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Construction Projects

"Solve problems, ensure progress: your partner in construction troubleshooting"

“Troubleshooting” construction projects refers to identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems or difficulties that may arise during the construction process. This approach is crucial to ensure that the construction project runs smoothly and any obstacles are dealt with efficiently.

Construction projects are usually very complex and can get into “crises” due to various factors. Proactive action is required.

The causes of “crises” in a construction project can be very complex

Construction defects, inadequate schedule, cost or quality management, incorrect, missing and/or uncoordinated planning, construction disruptions, mismanagement, pandemics or global crises with an impact on supply chains, etc. can not only lead to enormous cost explosions but, in individual cases, can also result in one lead to insolvency of a construction project. The latter is also caused by rising interest rates and cost increases.

The way
from the “crisis”

It is therefore essential that construction project teams take proactive measures to identify, manage and address potential “crises” to ensure successful completion of the project.

In order to avoid or overcome "crises", comprehensive and competent project management, clear communication and careful risk assessment are particularly crucial. Taking a proactive approach to identifying potential problems and implementing solutions can help ensure the successful delivery of construction projects.

If you are already involved in a project conflict, we can help you with our partners from our expert network, consisting of specialist planners, specialist engineers, lawyers, experts, financing partners, project management, executing companies and the construction industry, in realigning the project goals as well as implementing and maintaining them Provide professional support and qualified support for the necessary measures until the goal is achieved in order to get back into a regulated process.

Four elementary steps
for efficient risk management
in construction projects
4 Steps Risk Management.png

The way
from the “crisis”

It is therefore essential that construction project teams take proactive measures to identify, manage and address potential “crises” to ensure successful completion of the project.

In order to avoid or overcome "crises", comprehensive and competent project management, clear communication and careful risk assessment are particularly crucial. Taking a proactive approach to identifying potential problems and implementing solutions can help ensure the successful delivery of construction projects.

If you are already involved in a project conflict, we can help you with our partners from our expert network, consisting of specialist planners, specialist engineers, lawyers, experts, financing partners, project management, executing companies and the construction industry, in realigning the project goals as well as implementing and maintaining them Provide professional support and qualified support for the necessary measures until the goal is achieved in order to get back into a regulated process.


Tasks of a "troubleshooting"
 in construction projects

“Troubleshooting” construction projects refers to identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems or difficulties that may arise during the construction process. This approach is crucial to ensure that the construction project runs smoothly and any obstacles are dealt with efficiently.

Below are some Tasks of “troubleshooting” in construction projects shown:

  • Problem identification

  • Root cause analysis​

  • Communication with stakeholders​

  • Solution development​

  • Risk Assessment​

  • Prioritization of measures​

  • Implementation of solutions​

  • Monitoring and adjustment

Benefits of a "troubleshooting" in construction projects

Below are some Aspects of “troubleshooting” in construction projects shown:

  • Minimizing risks

  • Deadline and cost control

  • quality assurance

  • Customer and stakeholder satisfaction​

  • Project continuity

  • Legal protection

  • Long-term project successes

"Troubleshooting" can be a crucial component of proactive construction management to ensure that construction projects can be carried out successfully, efficiently and without major disruptions.

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